
Boss Devolarium, (also known as Boss Devo) is four times stronger version of the Devolarium. This Alien is hostile to players and attacks on-sight. For weaker players, this Boss might require an outfit of players to assist in killing it. Most Sub Elite players take it out with no problem.


The Boss Devolarium is known for its speed while inflicting damage over time. It has speed slightly faster than a Sibelon. It is in almost every way twice as powerful as a normal Sibelon and half as powerful as a Boss Sibelon. Rewards, cargo drops, damage, shield and hp are X4 more than a normal Devolarium and are worth the time for Lower Map players.


Boss Devolarium can be found in:

And also can be found in galaxy gates:

Cargo Drop[]

  • Can drop Plasmide.
Regular Ore Premium Ore
Prometium Endurium Terbium Prometid Duranium Promerium Xenomit
400 400 400 64 64 8 8


  • Using the Leonov ship will make this endurance battle easier due to the advantages the ship offers while being in the Lower Maps.
  • Engaging this NPC with more people is usualy a great idea as the enemy is quite tanky. It is recommended to have in your team, if possible, a Full-Elite pilot.


  • A Boss Devolarium is roughly as strong as a Kristallon, although they are easier kill because of their slower speed. However you would need to kill two of these to get the same rewards as what the Kristallon gives.

NORMAL: StreunerLordakiaSaimonMordonDevolariumSibelonSibelonitLordakiumKristallinKristallonProtegitCubikonStreuneR

ZETA GATE: InfernalScorcherMelterDevourer

PIRATES: InterceptorBarracudaSaboteurAnnihilatorBattleray

EPSILON/LOW: VagrantMarauderOutcastCorsairHooliganRavagerConvictCentury Falcon

