
Tetrathrin Official Information Ahead

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Shield Repair Page Subject To Be Protected

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[Page needs updating as a lot of the information is wrong after changes has been made to the game]


The Century Falcon is a massive mothership that releases Vagrants when attacked and is the Lord of War. Its hit points and shields are massive and should require a full group of at least one Ultra-Elite player due to the massive damage output it can produce.

It is the only LoW alien that does not appear in the Epsilon Gate.


The Century Falcon is located in the LoW gate, near the middle of the map, and in the Kappa Gate. It is also located in some invasion gates.

Advice on Fighting the Century Falcon[]

You almost always want an Ultra-Elite player in your group so they can provide much sustain with the Crab formation.

The Cyborg and Venom ships both have a big impact upon fighting this alien due to the HP being targetted down quicker. The Diminisher is also very good if you got a ship with you that can deal large amounts of damage thanks to it.

Tricks for Low Gate[]

  • You can find lots of information on completing the LoW gate by looking at our LoW gate page.

Cargo Drop[]

Regular Ore Premium Ore
Prometium Endurium Terbium Prometid Duranium Promerium Xenomit
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

The Century Falcon[]

  • Will chase targets when they go out of range after a few seconds of a weird admiring that they are running period.
  • Gives 2000 points to your vants, which is far beyond any other NPCs can give.
  • Is very similar to that of the Cubikon which does a similar thing with its Protegits, although does not actually attack itself.

Trivia and Tips[]

  • In the Kappa Gate, this alien has 800,000 hp and 300,000 shield respectively.
  • The name "Century Falcon" is a reference to the "Millennium Falcon" from Star Wars.
  • The statistics shown are for the LoW and Invasion gate. This alien is weaker in Kappa gate.
  • Despite this being a mothership, strangely enough, its cargo drop is only 1 of each Ore.

NORMAL: StreunerLordakiaSaimonMordonDevolariumSibelonSibelonitLordakiumKristallinKristallonProtegitCubikonStreuneR

ZETA GATE: InfernalScorcherMelterDevourer

PIRATES: InterceptorBarracudaSaboteurAnnihilatorBattleray

EPSILON/LOW: VagrantMarauderOutcastCorsairHooliganRavagerConvictCentury Falcon

