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Galaxy Gates (also short as GG's) are unique portals which lead to special maps that contain multiple waves of Aliens. Upon completion of a galaxy gate, certain rewards are given depending on the gate completed.

There are several types of galaxy gates that can be built; Normal gates require them to be built before you can enter them, while special gates are already completed. If your ship is destroyed in a normal gate, you have a number of lives to retry the gate on the same wave, but if all lives get depleted, you must rebuild that gate again, while special gates do not contain lives and you can retry as many times as you want!

Gate Completion Rings

Upon completing a normal galaxy gate for the first time, you receive a golden ring to the left of your name in-game above your rank symbol, while the max rings you can attain are 6. The rings are shown below collected in gate order.


The Kronos Gate awards you with a crown symbol instead of a ring.

No Rings Alpha Gate Ring Beta Gate Ring Gamma Gate Ring Delta Gate Ring Epsilon Gate Ring Zeta Gate Ring Kronos Gate Symbol
No Rings Alpha Gate Ring Beta Gate Ring Gamma Gate Ring Delta Gate Ring Epsilon Gate Ring Zeta Gate Ring Kronos Gate Symbol
One-Ring Old Two-Ring Old Three-Ring Old Four-Ring Old
Alpha Gate Ring (Old Version) Beta Gate Ring (Old Version) Gamma Gate Ring (Old Version) Delta Gate Ring (Old Version)

Building Galaxy Gates

Galaxy Gates are built from multiple gate parts. Parts can only be obtained from the Galaxy Gate Generator. When you receive a part of a galaxy gate, it is added to the gate shown to the right of the generator.

The normal types of gates require different numbers of parts:

Once you have completed a gate, it is destroyed and must be rebuilt in order to use it again.

Preparing For A Jump

Once you have collected all of a normal galaxy gate's parts, you can click the 'Prepare Jump' button and the portal appears on your X-1 map near your company's base. But it's recomended to prep your ship up before you jump.

You start with only three tries to complete the gate. A try is lost if you die although extra lives may be purchased with uridium on the Galaxy Gates page*. Between each wave, you have a chance to exit the gate and return to your progress later.

  • Extra lives may only be purchased if you still have at least one life left.

List of Galaxy Gates

Normal Gates

Below is a list of normal galaxy gates which can be assembled:

Special Gates

Below is a list of special galaxy gates that appear only on certain days or special events:


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