
A Kucurbium is a small, black, pumpkin shaped alien that deals massive damage over time especially if there is a swarm. They are somewhat rare and can only be found in the last level of the Level Invasion Gate and in the Kappa Gate.


They can take any where from 5-10 minutes to destroy, depending on how many players are assisting you. Be aware of swarms of Kucurbium that protect a Boss Kucurbium. They attack as one - typically, when a Boss Kucurbium spawns in, it will select a single player and target them until they are destroyed. The Boss Kucurbium and the other Kucurbium all begin to attack at once, causing destruction in a maximum of 5 hits.

Note: Any Alien's rewards in the Level Invasion Gate are split between any players who attacked it, so you will not get the full rewards.

Cargo drop[]

X-1 Level Invasion Gate[]

Regular Ore Premium Ore
Prometium Endurium Terbium Prometid Duranium Promerium Xenomit
1,200 1,200 1,200 512 512 64 256

X-3 Level Invasion Gate[]

Regular Ore Premium Ore
Prometium Endurium Terbium Prometid Duranium Promerium Xenomit
2,400 2,400 2,400 1,024 1,024 128 512

X-5 Level Invasion Gate[]

Regular Ore Premium Ore
Prometium Endurium Terbium Prometid Duranium Promerium Xenomit
4,800 4,800 4,800 2,048 2,048 256 1,024


  • It has been confirmed by Administrators that it's name comes from the scientific name for pumpkin (Scientific Name: Cucurbita maxima. Family: Cucurbitaceae).
  • Kucurbiums only shoot at it's primary attacker when its at Critical Health.
  • When killing a Kucurbium (or a Boss Kurcurbium) and having the rectile red on it, should give you a random 10 hour booster. However, this is near impossible to achieve, merely luck, due to all of the players it requires to take down.
  • The Insta-shield on the Boss Kucurbium will not go away until all the Kucurbium around it are destroyed.

NORMAL: StreunerLordakiaSaimonMordonDevolariumSibelonSibelonitLordakiumKristallinKristallonProtegitCubikonStreuneR

ZETA GATE: InfernalScorcherMelterDevourer

PIRATES: InterceptorBarracudaSaboteurAnnihilatorBattleray

EPSILON/LOW: VagrantMarauderOutcastCorsairHooliganRavagerConvictCentury Falcon

