

In the past, a skill design used to be a design for the ships in the game including the Goliath and Vengeance providing special bonuses depending on which ones were equipped. However, this is no longer true.

A Skill Design is a ship that is based on another ship but is still showed separately within the hanger.

What is Skill Designs?[]

As explained above, skill designs is a ship that is a separate class or based on one. For example, the Goliath is a class of ship and is seperate on the hanger page. The Diminisher is seperate on the hanger page and is also a skill design because it has separate abilities.

What are Cosmetics?[]

Cosmetics are designs which provide ships the ability to look differently but change nothing about the ship. All the stats and ship functions stay the same except the physical look.


Skill designs were removed from the game and reworked to be put independent of each ship when cosmetics were added to the game via the hanger. Some ships still have designs for them but skill designs are now in a different hanger and cosmetics provide no additional bonuses, simply change how the ship looks.


For example, the Goliath has many cosmetics including the Jade design, but it provides no bonus and is simply a cosmetic.

Below is some more in depth examples.


Among the Goliath class is the Diminisher, a ship which has 5% bonus damage as a passive and a special active ability. This is a skill design because it's a separate ship on the hanger but from the same class as an original ship.


The Aegis has multiple designs for it that will be shown separately when purchased on the hanger, as the Aegis Elite and Aegis Veteran are completely different skill designs of the original Aegis. Some of these special designs also have cosmetics but just like the Diminisher, it does not change anything about the ship at all except the visual appearance.


In this case the Aegis Elite is one of the available Aegis designs which grants new special abilities and passive components compared to the other Aegis designs but it still works the same, cosmetics only change the appearance of the ship.

Please leave any questions below.


  • It is unknown why Bigpoint released Cosmetics, most likely for money related reasons.
  • All space pilots can see the cosmetics, ships and drones you are using.