Tech Center

The Tech Center is an old feature where you could produce Tech Items or an Apis and Zeus drone. These items gradually aid you in combat and are built at different prices. The Tech Center was located in the Skylab and you can produce any item in the selection when the feature was available.

In the past you could only use 3 slots for your techs at a cost of 50,000 for the second slot and 100,000 Uridium for the third and there is no limit to the quantity of tech items you can have.

It should be noted this feature has been moved to the Assembly and is no longer available in the game files or back page.

Available items to construct[]


  • Apis drone: can be constructed with Uridium and pirate blueprints.
  • Zeus drone: can be constructed with the same amount of blueprints as Apis (Blueprints are only available from special events).

Tech Items:[]
