
Uber Devolarium (also known as Uber Devo or Uber Dev) are eight times stronger version of the regular Devolarium. This Alien is hostile to any passing players and can deal heavy damage. It haspassing players and attacks on-sight. It also has a larger ship graphic, and red aura to display that it is an uber alien.

Uber Devolarium deal heavy damage alone and can easily destroy any player over a short time. Uber Devolarium are known for its speed while inflicting a set amount of damage over time. It has speed slightly faster than a Sibelon. It is in almost every way identical to Boss Sibelon. Rewards, cargo drops, damage, shield, HP are x8 more than a normal Devolarium and aren't worth farming.

Cargo Drop[]

  • Can drop Plasmide.
Regular Ore Premium Ore
Prometium Endurium Terbium Prometid Duranium Promerium Xenomit
800 800 800 128 128 16 32

NORMAL: StreunerLordakiaSaimonMordonDevolariumSibelonSibelonitLordakiumKristallinKristallonProtegitCubikonStreuneR

ZETA GATE: InfernalScorcherMelterDevourer

PIRATES: InterceptorBarracudaSaboteurAnnihilatorBattleray

EPSILON/LOW: VagrantMarauderOutcastCorsairHooliganRavagerConvictCentury Falcon

